Students who were not born in the United States or a U.S. Territory must provide evidence of eligible legal immigration status before they may be considered for admission to the college and classification as a Florida resident for tuition purposes. All students who apply online will be admitted as non-Florida residents until providing the required supporting documentation needed to prove Florida residency before the first day of the term.

If you indicated that you are a Florida resident on your admission application, follow these steps:

  1. Review immigration information in STEP 1.
  2. Determine whether you are independent or dependent in STEP 2.
  3. Gather the necessary documents and complete the Florida Resident Form in STEP 3.

If you indicated that you are not a Florida resident on your admission application and need to submit immigration documentation, follow these steps:

  1. Review immigration information in STEP 1.
  2. Complete Non-Florida Resident Form.
  3. View Out-of-State Fee Waivers options.


Students who were not born in the United States (U.S.) or U.S. Territory must provide evidence of eligible legal immigration status in the U.S. before they may be considered for Florida resident fees. Please note that not all immigration status types are eligible for classification as Florida residents for tuition purposes.

Immigration Status
Immigration Status Eligible to pay as an FL resident? Immigration proof required Notes
U.S citizen by birth Yes None Status is applicable to someone born in U.S. or U.S. territory, such as Puerto Rico, or the Virgin Islands.
U.S. citizen by birth abroad Yes Birth abroad certificate issued by U.S. Dept. of State Status is applicable to someone born outside U.S. or U.S. territory but legally classified as a U.S. citizen upon birth.
U.S. citizen by naturalization Yes U.S. Passport - Signed, in color, and must clearly show both the signature page and the biographic data page,


Certificate of Naturalization - Signed and in color


U.S. passport card - Front and back of card required and must be in color
Naturalization document(s) can be expired.
U.S. permanent resident Yes Permanent resident card (PRC) - Front and back required and must be in color


Foreign country passport with U.S. I-551 stamp - Must clearly show both the page with stamps and the biographical data page
I-551 endorsement stamp grants permanent resident status for 1 year.
Non-resident alien Varies by status. Please review the BC immigration guideline for more information. Employment authorization card (EAC) - Front and back required and must be in color


U.S. visa - Must clearly show both the page with stamps and the biographical data page


United States Citizenship Immigration Services (USCIS) Notice
A student who does not possess an EAC or U.S. visa can provide the most recentproof of a USCIS Notice (typically in the form of an I-797 Notice of Action) that proves the student has legally applied for immigration status.

Sample of Required Immigration document Certificate of Naturalization, Permanent Resident Card (PRC), Employment Authorization Card (EAC), and United States Citizenship Immigration Services (USCIS) Notice of Action images.

Certificate of Naturalization

Permanent Resident Card (PRC)

Employment Authorization Card (EAC)

United States Citizenship Immigration Services (USCIS) Notice of Action e.g. Form I-797C

Dependent vs. Independent Students

The determination of dependent or independent student status is important because it is the basis for whether the student must submit their own documentation for residency (as independent) or their parent's or guardian's documentation of residency (as dependent). Parent means any parent of a student, any guardian of a student, or any person in a parental relationship with a student.

Proof of relationship may be required if you do not indicate a parental/guardian relationship with your claimant, or if your last names are different. Acceptable documentation for proof of relationship may include the birth certificate(s), marriage certificate (if name differs from birth certificate), or your claimant's most recent year's signed tax return. A combination of these documents may be required if a single form of proof is inconclusive.

Independent Students

A student who meets any of the following criteria shall be classified as an independent student for the determination of residency for tuition purposes:

  • You are 24 years of age or older prior to the first day of the term.
  • You are married. (Copy of marriage certificate required.)
  • You have a child, or other dependent(s), who lives with you and receives more than fifty (50) percent of their support from you. Provide documentation that lists your child or other dependent(s). Examples of required documents include the most recent tax return and W-2 form, pay stubs, and/or employer earnings verification.
  • United States Military Service: Active duty via current military orders or veteran as indicated on form DD214;
  • Determined an unaccompanied homeless youth by a Florida school district homeless liaison, or by a staff member of an emergency shelter or transitional housing program.
  • Your parents are deceased, and you are, or were until age 18, a ward of the court. (Copies of court documents required.)

A student who does not meet any of the criteria outlined above may be classified as an independent student only if they submit documentation showing they provide fifty (50) percent or more of the cost of attendance for the entire academic year for an in-state student as defined by the Office of Financial Aid (exclusive of federal, state, and institutional aid or scholarships).

Dependent Students

Students who do not meet the definition of independent shall be classified as dependent students for the determination of residency for tuition purposes.

All documents supporting the establishment of Florida residency for tuition purposes must:

  • Be dated, issued, or filed at least twelve (12) months before the first day of the term in which the Florida residency-for-tuition-purposes classification is requested.
  • Be received no later than the 100% refund date for the term in which Florida residency is being requested; otherwise, the Florida classification for tuition purposes will be effective the following term.

Two documents supporting a minimum of 12 months of residency in Florida must be presented.

Tier One

The documents must include at least one of the following:

  • Florida voter's registration card.
  • Florida driver's license (licenses from any other state must be relinquished).
  • State of Florida identification card (if no evidence of ties to another state exists).
  • Florida vehicle registration.
  • Proof of a permanent home in Florida that is occupied as a primary residence by the individual or by the individual's parent if the individual is a dependent child.
  • Proof of a homestead exemption in Florida.
  • Transcripts from a Florida high school for multiple years (2 or more years) if the Florida high school diploma or Florida GED was earned within the last 12 months.
  • Proof of permanent full-time employment in Florida for at least 30 hours per week for a consecutive 12-month period (W-2s may be requested if documentation is inconclusive).

Tier Two

The documents may include one or more of the following:

  • Declaration of domicile in Florida (12 months from the date the document was sworn and subscribed as noted by the Clerk of Circuit Court).
  • Florida professional or occupational license.
  • Florida incorporation.
  • Document evidencing verifiable family ties to a Florida resident.
  • Proof of membership in a Florida-based charitable or professional organization.
  • Any other documentation that supports the student's request for resident status, including, but not limited to, utility bills and proof of 12 consecutive months of payments; a lease agreement and proof of 12 consecutive months of payments; or an official state, federal, or court document evidencing legal ties to Florida.

A student, regardless of immigration status, who attended a Florida high school for three consecutive years, graduated from a Florida high school and enrolls in a public post-secondary institution within 24 months of graduation, is eligible to pay tuition at the in-state rate.

In accordance with 38 United States Code § 3679(c), and effective July 1, 2015, Florida Statute 1009.26(13) was established to provide out-of-state tuition and fee waivers to veterans and eligible dependents who attend Florida public, post-secondary institutions and who physically reside within the state of Florida. The Florida Statute, known as the Congressman C.W. "Bill" Young Veteran Tuition Waiver Program, waives out-of-state fees for a person who is:

  1. An honorably discharged veteran of the United States Armed Forces, the United States Reserve Forces, or the National Guard who physically resides in this state while enrolled in the institution;
  2. An individual who is entitled to and who is using educational assistance provided by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs for a quarter, semester, or term, and who physically resides in Florida while enrolled in the institution.

If you do not qualify for Florida residency, you may be eligible for an out-of-state tuition waiver for Veterans and Dependents. If you are an honorably discharged veteran, National Guardsman, or Reservist seeking approval for the waiver under category #1, above, you must provide a copy of your DD Form 214 (Member 4) or DD Form 256, indicating your honorable discharge status. If you are a veteran or a veteran dependent (spouse or child) seeking approval under category #2, above, you must provide your VA Certificate of Eligibility, a VA Statement of Benefits, or a Chapter 31, VAF 28-1905 form. Veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces, National Guard, and Reserves, as well as veterans and veteran dependents receiving and using educational assistance from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs must provide proof of physically residing within the state of Florida while enrolled at ÐÓ°É. This may include but is not limited to a copy of a Florida driver's license, a Florida identification card, or a copy of a lease. Please note the documents do not have a minimum issue date.

*All documents must be dated before the semester start date for the term in which you are seeking the waiver of out-of-state fees.
This Out-of-State Tuition Waiver for Veterans and Dependents must be submitted each semester by the student.


How can I submit the Out-of-State Tuition Waiver for Veterans and Dependents?

The waiver can be conveniently completed and submitted online to ÐÓ°É's Admissions and Registration Office. Alternatively, if you prefer not to submit the form electronically, you can download the PDF version of the form, fill it out, and submit it along with your supporting documentation to the Admissions and Registration office at any of our three campuses. Remember, you need to complete the form each semester to indicate your enrollment for the current term and your desire for the waiver to be applied to your record. However, continuing students do not need to resubmit supporting documentation every term.

Can I submit the form online?

Yes, the primary method of submission is electronic. You can conveniently complete and submit the form online. However, if you prefer, you have the option to download the PDF version of the form, complete it offline, and submit it with your supporting documentation to the Admissions and Registration office at any of our three campuses.

Can I submit a physical copy of the form?

If you choose not to submit the form electronically, you can fill out the PDF version of the form, print it, and submit it in person along with your supporting documentation to the Admissions and Registration office at any of our three campuses.

Do I need to submit supporting documents every semester along with the waiver?

Supporting documentation is not required from continuing students each term. However, on your initial request for the waiver, you must submit the necessary supporting documentation. If there is a one-year break in your enrollment, you must submit a new admission application and waiver along with the required supporting documentation, as per the college's requirements.

Current students who need to update their immigration status must complete the Immigration Document form

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